Sunday, August 19, 2012

Beers in progress and current brewery to do list

Beers in progress
  1. Orval-style Belgian pale ale with brettanomyces.
  2. A hybrid Belgian Dubbel/ Rye IPA with dark candy syrup, rye malt, hopbursted with Simcoe and Amarillo hops
  3. Sour trippel fermented with Roselaire Blend, soon to be aged on oak cubes soaked in Bulleit Rye whiskey
  4. a sour brown ale
Brewing to dos
  1. Transfer sour triple, add oak and bugs
  2. Dry hop, brett pale;  .75oz cascade, .75oz wilamette
  3. Dry hop dubbel IPA (keg hop?)
  4. Set up fridge
  5. Bottle brett pale; half with brett at bottling.  8/26/12; save brett slurry for 100% brett IPA
  6. Keg dubbel IPA

Brewing projects (long term)
  1. What to do with 2 gallons of sour brown: brew blending beer?  Age on fruit? Dryhop?
  2. Set up kegerator: buy temp control, add taps, etc
  3. Move up to 10 gallon batches: finish keggle, make larger cooler MLT, buy/make chilling system (plate chiller? Counterflow? ), Hop Spider?
  4. Teach brewing class
  5. Set-up brewing schedule and budget
  6. Hold a speakeasy night at Hothhaus

inaugural post

I'm starting this blog, primarily as a way of keeping track of recipes and general upkeep of my homebrew operation. I'll post tasting reviews of beers, how-to stuff on brewing and creating brewing equipment, and general beer interest stuff.  DBC started with the intention of creating a brewing community that is grounded within the East Bay punk/metal/DIY scene.  My hope was to create a cooperative of established brewers, aspiring brewers, and dirty drunks to learn, share, and experiment upon.  I have taught classes on cider-making and ginger beer making, and I intend to begin holding classes again.  With a blog, I will be able to document these classes and post the info for future reference.  I am also hoping to start having "speakeasy" parties, brewery tours, homebrew trades, tastings, maybe even a homebrew "CSA" subscription if I can get enough brewers involved.  

This blog may evolve into a more mainstream "audience" blog, like the Mad Fermentationist, or Bikes, Beer, and BBQ, but for now I am using it as an organizational tool and a place to collect my thoughts on my brewing operation